From:                     Brian Valentine

Sent:                      Friday, April 14, 2000 7:33 AM

To:                         Microsoft Corporate Campus: All Staff

Cc:                         Bill Veghte; David Alles; Tom Adams

Subject:                 Welcome Windows Me into your home

Earlier this year, we released Windows 2000 for businesses of all sizes.  It is a huge step forward and we have already passed the million unit mark.  We are building on that success with a Windows release specifically for home users - Windows Millennium Edition.  With this release we will improve the home user’s PC experience overall, and particularly around digital media, online experience, home networking, and keeping their system running smoothly and up-to-date.    Please pitch in by using Windows ME on your computers at home and send the Windows ME team feedback.  I think it is going to be a great product and your support will make it even better. 


Some of the cool new features

·          Digital Imaging - the easiest way to get digital pictures or movies on to your PC, and then view and organize them; fastest thumbnail browsing, movie/video editing and then the ability to post those to the web

·          Reliability & Stability - hundreds of fixes to improve robustness since Win98SE, added System File Protection and Driver Signing for extra protection, and in case anything goes wrong - use System Restore to bring you back to a past state you were happy with!

·          Home Networking - finally, a simple way to set up a home network, share an internet connection amongst PCs even with different network media in your house (eg wireless + phone line networking), plus many enhancements allowing things like latest DirectPlay games to work great across home networks.

·          Windows Media Player 7 - the first all-in-one digital media solution by Microsoft, the best way to keep your music library, with plenty of chic skins & visualizations.

·          Latest & greatest hardware support - from those new USB devices to other popular hw, and you should find lots of little streamlining features like an “add new hardware wizard” that actually finds the right drivers on your CD for you instead of often making you browse the CD and pick one yourself.

·          Hibernate support - the fastest way to get your system booted.



To see and read some more about selected new features of Windows Me, check out http://windows/rollout/features


Product Status

The team has shipped the final beta.  Many of you have PCs at home that are widely used by people other than you (spouses, kids, neighbors), and it is time to let them test-drive our next home OS and get us feedback. (you can try it too…)


The beta sites that have been running Windows Me since July 1999 have been sending in accolades en masse at the quality of the Release Candidate of Final Beta, sent out on 3/25.  It is in the stage where it is more than ready for you to be running it on your home systems, and at the stage where those very few bugs you might find are truly critical for the Windows Me team to hear.


We all recognize that in a very real way, as Microsoft employees, we wind up being “support consultants” for our family, friends and neighbors for Windows (and often a wide variety of computer products from many companies).  So think of this as a chance to reduce your workload next year - you can support many people later, or you could get those last issues fixed before we ship (now!!) and save yourself some ‘support calls’ later in addition to improving our customers’ satisfaction!


How to sign up

We will be distributing final beta CDs to everyone that wishes to run Windows Me at home.  To sign up to receive a CD, fill out the short form at http://windows/rollout.  The company will also be providing weekly updates so that you can see the resolution on the very last issues you and your colleagues will be raising.


How to give feedback

·          From CorpNet visit the http://windows/rollout site and click on the “submit a bug report” link

·          From Home, visit  You will need the following logon information to access.
BetaID:  654500
Password:  Buckaroo


How the Windows Me team will support you

To make sure that you do not get stuck in case of computer calamity, both HelpDesk and a product strike force team are in place to help you.  In one of these cases, either:

a)   contact Helpdesk at x65000 or sent mail to mailto:hdonline, or

b)   send email to mailto:mstrike describing your problem.


For other important but not as pressing issues, there are a set of Newsgroups available for the direct support/feedback of MS Employees.  Information available at http://windows/rollout/support.


Minimum System Requirements

Also documented on http://windows/rollout.


Thank you for your help and support in making Windows ME a great release for home users everywhere.

